Hi There!

Hello, I am Sylvia Bell!

As a little girl I was in awe of my artistic father who was (and still is at the age of 85!) a talented pastry cook. He made the most beautiful cakes topped with incredible marzipan figurines. He always encouraged me to be creative which allowed me to explore this side of my character.

Creativity is definitely at the heart of who I am! From drawing , painting, mosaics, paper collage and sewing a love of colour and pattern was born.

I am an avid collector of anything that I find beautiful or interesting. It can be the smallest of things - like the colour of new gum leaves, the label on a jam jar, the pattern on a vintage Oilily skirt - which will spark the beginning of my creative process. I will then mull over ideas in my mind and sketch ideas on paper, before moving on to drawing digitally, choosing colour palettes, and finally creating patterns.

What motivates me is the possibility that my designs will bring pleasure to others and leave a beautiful mark on the world!

Colour and pattern are my life and I am so excited to share my work with you.💗❤️💗

“Creativity is how I share my soul with the world”

Brene Brown